Hi readers,
#Greetings #HappySaturday #TGIS #GoodNews
Say hello to the newest Active Member of the International Thriller Writers - ITW... ME!
Okay, I'm five days old, as my membership was granted on the 19th of November 2018.
No one knows what this means to me to officially be an Active Member of the organization, to learn, share and give back, and most especially, to be able to contribute to literacy and to the improvement of reading culture the best way I can.
Why is this important to me? Well, because I was turned down in 2013, LOL.

In November 2013, I self-published my first novel (The XIth Hour, Psychological Thriller/Suspense) and short story (Closed Door, Mystery/Suspense). This was before I developed "Closed Door" into a Novella, and a series (Angela Hunter Series). I was new to the self-publishing world, so I wanted to participate in events, become an active member in several organizations for writers, and just improve on my writing.
I came across ITW, as I had only written thrillers at the time, and I sent in an application to join the organization. I also sent in my novel and short story for the International Thriller Award, but I wasn't considered because I wasn't a member. In fact, they asked me which of my books qualified me for membership. The answer was none. So I didn't follow up on that.
For my request to become an active member, I was told that ITW was new to accepting self-published authors, but they would review my application and get back to me.
Fast forward three months, on February 2014, I received feedback on my application. After review by the board, I wasn't granted membership. The board asked me to consider re-applying for active membership when I become a bit more established in the self-publishing world. To be honest, I didn't remember reading that email after I closed it, but I saved it in a folder.

When I was about to create a new folder for ITW five days ago, I came across the old folder and read the rejection email again. I smiled, because now I know that I'm a lot more established in the self-publishing world, and even better, as I got a publishing deal with "Black Rose Writing" for my upcoming novel titled "When It's Murder."
Thanks to BRW, as my publisher and for giving my book a chance, I was able to join ITW.
Back then, five years ago, I had only one published novel and one published short story, but today, I have six novels (with the seventh to be published on 14 March 2019), five novellas (with the sixth to be published on 14 December 2018) and six short stories... and many more others to come.
I'm looking forward to an amazing experience with ITW, and I'll be bringing you updates on the publishing progress of "When It's Murder."
Literarily Yours,