Hello readers,
I hope you all are doing well.
I can't believe it's already been a year since I wrote this book, I mean exactly one year since the first draft of the book was completed. Do you know why? Because it's my baby's first birthday today!!!
I know you all are wondering if there would be another book for his first year, but don't worry, I already thought about that and began a draft. But then I changed my mind. I haven't decided to stop it completely, it's just on hold. The content is actually very interesting, so I don't want to let it go like that. Time would tell what becomes of it.
When the book was published on 15/05/2018 (read story HERE), it was available only on Amazon, so I'm happy to announce that it is now available across all platforms. Please tell someone to tell someone to tell someone.
You can get your copy on Smashwords, Okadabooks, Barnes&Noble, iBooks, and many other ebook distribution platforms. If you don't find the book on your preferred platform, please let me know, and I'll try my best to get it on there.
I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I loved writing it... it's my baby's book after all. I have to love it.
#HappyBirthday to my #Baby
#Friday #TGIF
Literarily yours,
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