I hope you all are doing well.
I've got some good (?) news to share with you all.
When I had the idea for “Closed Door,” I never expected it to be more than a short story. But after a few people asked me to make a second part, I did. And since then, I haven’t been able to stop...
So far, I’ve written seven different parts, and I still haven’t had enough of Angela Hunter (the narrator of the story).
I’ve now compiled the seven stories and made it into a novella, still titled “Closed Door.” It’s available on SMASHWORDS and other major eBook distributors platforms.
It is also available in print on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and CreateSpace.
In case you are wondering what the subtitle on the cover is all about, well, there's going to be a next volume #AngelaHunterSeries... watch this space.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you, or anybody you know, have bought Part 5 (The Deal) and Part 6 (The Italian), please email a purchase receipt to me to receive the final part (Part 7 - Private Eye) for free. YES, for #FREE ☺. My contact information is on the home page.
Thanks, and please, SHARE THE WORD!!!
Literarily Yours,
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