Hello and Good news... 6 poetry books — 3 written by Eriata Oribhabor and the other three edited by him — will be available at the Book Rave discounted and affordable prices.
See the books' descriptions below:
Abuja na Kpangba an Oda Puem-Dem
Abuja na hevun, na Kpangba an Oda Puem-Dem na ogbonge kaind of puem we enibodi don rait sins 1982 wen Aig Imuekhude fest rait im Pidgin Stew and Sufferhead. Dis na di fest taim wi de si eni buk fo Naija langwej an di niu spelin fo Standad Naija Otografi (SNO) we naija Lanwej Akademi (NLA) tek dem oun han stamp. Dis puem buk na koret kombineshion bikos i konten nieli fifti fifti difren difren puem we konsain wi ol o Naijiria.
Beautiful Poisons
Beautiful Poisons is a successful revolt against strict formality in literary creativity and a ‘violent’ rejection of the one-way approach to poetry writing.
In Beautiful Poisons, everything boils in the pot of politics, economy, life style, religion, the serious and the mundane in such a way that there is something for everybody.
The title poem: ‘Beautiful Poisons’ portrays the plight of the people in the Niger Delta in a way that evokes deep emotions. Others like ‘If I Meet With the President’ and ‘Power Probes’ highlight the political notoriety in the landscape of Nigeria. ‘Just Crazy’ and ‘Poet All’ amuse whilst being critical. Morality and religion are fully captured in ‘Tode na Sunday’ and ‘Mother…Just a word?’
Crossroads and the Rubicon
Scintillating, alluring and though-provoking poems that span cultural, social, religious, political and geographical boarders to collectively address societal ills without diminishing the appreciation of aestheticism.
If Yu Hie Se A De Prizin
IF YU HIE SE A DE PRIZIN Edited by Eriata Oribhabor is the first anthology of poems in Naija. This is the second published literary work in Naija since Naija Langwej Akademi (NLA) evolved a standard orthography for the language in 2009. The editor of this anthology is also the poet and author of the first collection of poems in the language titled Abuja Na Kpangba An Oda Puem Dem (2011). He is hereby applauded for carving a niche for himself as the pioneer and prolific creative artist in Naija as a distinct language and not a debased form of English language.
Who Shall I make my wife?
Reading through Eriata Oribhabor Food Poetry submissions will blow your mind, salivate, laugh and fall in a dilemma of not knowing which should be your wife. You will join the winning poet; Mabel Okpaefi to ask; Who Shall I Make My Wife?

Certainly, The Drums of Peace are beating in these pages. The harmony is there in the breath of these great poems. The sound is clear and reassuring; there is hope on the horizon for all people on the planet earth.
What do you think?
Tell someone to tell someone to tell someone #DontMissIt #BookRave #May2016 #Unilag #NIBF
Literarily yours,
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