After the success of the first short story contest, we decided to organise the next one, as planned, only that the timing was sort of bad.
The NYSC has always had three batches each year A, B and C, but of recent, it has been 6 batches, each batch having 2 streams.
This has caused the orientation camp period to follow each other closely, sometimes leaving little or no time for proper planning. The batches in November and December 2015 were done back to back, so we had to modify the contest and make it a "Poetry" contest with limited number of lines, so that it would make it easier for them to send in their stories on time. That being said, the amount of time given wasn't sufficient enough for everyone, and we ended up getting only four entries. Most of the other poems came in long after the contest, and therefore they couldn't be considered.
In order not to waste the effort of those who submitted their poems on time, I have decided to publish the poems here and also give out the four prizes as promised- four copies of a collection of poems titled "The Clarion Call" by author Albert Seraphin. So please as you read and enjoy them, vote for your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. Thank you :)
Here goes:
Entry #1 by Jeremiah Ikwuh
Head buried in sand fists clenched in fear;
My Childhood I refuse to let go I hold it dear;
Future here, living with my present;
Fears, doubts run through my mind;
Heart pounding fast, I close my eyes;
My sight of hope is fading fast;
The clarion call I must answer;
Split second gaze at my crest;
I kiss my future, I'll do my best.
Entry #2 by Oluwadare Aribo
I fished out my dreams from my home;
The early morning cockcrow at dawn presents a task before me,
And set me on a new line of hope;
Home is my home.
I see so many faces;
l perceive so many visions;
l figure out so many hope;
Home is my home.
I work hard endlessly far away in another man's country,
but my heart is saddened to be a poor race in a land of dollar;
The gathering of birds on a tree singing in oneness "gave me the conviction,"
That we can survive as a people and succeed as a nation;
Home is my home.
Entry #3 "On the Insland of Excellence," by Manaba Daniel Abah
"Pam para pam para pam para," the bugle sounds;
Beckoning on the 'white fowls'- at the wee of every dawn;
"Move to the parade ground now!" The OBS rants while the 'fowls' pant.
"Go down," the camouflage commands, as the State Coordinator grabs the 'voice' and orders-
"If you can't flush it, don't drop it!"
Entry #4 by Oluwasunkanmi Thomas
In a time of hardship and evident hopelessness. Where life is tough, emanating from much carelessness. The common man blames the Government, Leaders or the management. We all seek Change, but unwilling to renew our mindset. Young ones seems to have lost hope in hard work and diligence. We live in a society that celebrates mediocrity but ignores brilliance. The problem is deeply rooted, needing urgent intervention. Its time for youths to resolve to be positively different. The only time we may truly fail is if we do not try. The Clarion call is for Us, its time to lift our nation high.
You can also comment on the poems and share them. We would love to know what you think... the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Literarily Yours,
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